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Carbon Credits



Accelerate sustainability with carbon credits earned from your electric vehicle fleet


What are Carbon Credits?

Carbon credits are financial instruments that reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. A carbon credit typically equals one metric ton of CO2. Carbon credits are generated through various projects and activities aimed at reducing emissions. These projects can include renewable energy generation, energy efficiency improvements, and fueling zero-emission vehicles. Each project undergoes a rigorous assessment process to ensure its legitimacy and the accuracy of emission reductions.

Carbon Credit

Generate Carbon Credits with Your Zero-Emission Vehicles

To claim credits, a prospective site host will require a registered EV charging station that has a metering system to ensure accurate and reliable measurement of the quantity of electricity provided.

This can be achieved with a networked or smart charging station. This means the EV charging station has the ability to provide utilization data on its overall performance and is designed to be compliant with the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP), which allows a charging station to communicate with a charging network that is operated by a network service provider.

Networked stations can provide information on the station’s usage metrics such as:

  • Charging utilization
  • Charging session counts
  • Charging session length
  • Energy dispensed
Carbon Credit Calculator

Carbon Credit Calculator

Clean Fuel Regulation Credits: $0


Carbon Credits are not intended to serve as a grants, rebates, or funding programs; as such, they are not a stable source of funding for a prospective site host or fuel supplier as it is subject to a credit market, which can be volatile. However, by participating in the program, a site host can generate revenue which can help offset operating costs and/or recover some of the initial capital costs.

Carbon Credit Eligibility

Use the flowchart below to assess your eligibility to generate credits.

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Get Started Today

If your company is contemplating the adoption of electric vehicles or has already electrified its fleet, participating in the increasingly accessible carbon markets can prove highly beneficial for both the environment and your business's financial bottom line. Our team of experts is dedicated to simplifying the process of generating a revenue stream from EV charging infrastructure, empowering you to positively impact the planet while reaping the rewards of this program.

EquiCharge offers a simple and fast onboarding process to help you start collecting credits today. Our experts manage the technical details and analysis to collect and trade credits and leave you with the revenue to continue growing your sustainable business.

How It Works


The aim of British Columbia’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard and
Clean Fuel Regulations is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector.

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Charging site hosts and network operators will generate credits by supplying clean fuels, such as electricity, that have lower carbon intensities than their conventional counterparts.

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Credits will be sold to regulated entities that must offset deficits they accrue from the sale and production of high-carbon fuels to be in compliance with the regulation.


Owners and operators of electric fleets will earn revenue from these transactions annually
which they can reinvest in their electrification efforts.